Jelaskan pengelompokan dan fungsi kata Could sebagai modal

Discussion in 'Bahasa Inggris' started by Prima Marvey, Sep 20, 2016.


  1. Prima Marvey

    Prima Marvey Member

    Jelaskan pengelompokan dan fungsi kata Could sebagai modal ?

    Didalam modal, kata Could dapat dikelompokkan dan mempunyai fungsi masing-masing sebagai berikut :

    Menyatakan kemampuan dimasa lampau (past ability)
    Example :
    • He is absent now, but he could attend the previous class
    • She is actress now, but she could go to office every day
    Menyatakan permintaan sopan (polite request)
    Example :
    • Could you tell me the secret?
    • Could you tell about the truth?
    • Could you give me some salt?
    • Could you borrow me a money?
    • Could you close the door now?
    • Could you buy me a pulse?
    • Could you send me about schedule of employee?
    • Could you retake examination tomorrow?
    • Could you study in the bedroom?
    • Could you fix my motorcycle
    • Could you clean up the garden with susan?
    • Could you attend the meeting in afternoon?
    • Could you go to the post office near my house?



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